One Day at a Time

We live in a culture that seeks immediate results.  We want things NOW.  We want things easy.

Well nothing is that simple.  When it comes to healing and lasting results we must take it One Day at a Time and recognize our complete need for divine intervention.

I want to simplify it for you and share some history of how I got to where I am.

In the early 2000’s, I had heard about detoxing and cleansing when I worked for Dr Christopher’s herb shop connection back in college over.  But like so many, I had never considered my need for changing anything or pursuing it for my health, I was young and healthy.

That was then.

Fast forward to Early 2016

I knew I was not feeling well, I was tired all the time, and I struggled to get out of bed.  It seemed like a mild depression or lack of motivation.  Maybe I was just getting older.

I had settled for this as normal.  I couldn’t figure out why I had no energy, after all, I ate a variety of good food and drank only water.

On top of that, my kidneys were hurting almost constantly, reminding me of the nickel sized kidneys stone that had put me in the hospital for three days while camping in August of 2012 and my skin eczema had reached an all time unbearable, itchy, and blistering state that kept me up most nights.  Especially the week leading up the the full moon.

I started experimenting with removing added sugar from my diet and discovered that my eczema and my kidneys were fueled by added sugars.  Eating a clean diet and slowly introducing green drinks, Probiotics and Digestive enzymes as well as Chicken Broth and bone broth to my diet.  I also had checked out a book from the library The 30 Day Faith Detox by Laura Harris.  In this book, I found helpful tips on easy detoxes from one organ to the next, recipes and shopping recommendations, as if this wasn’t enough great stuff, she wraps it all up with a great daily devotional and spiritual and relational detox tips.  (I only made it to day 10—Here is why ~ I am looking forward to completing the 30 day journey as soon as I stop breastfeeding my 5th child)

I soon started experimenting with removing added sugar from my diet and discovered that my eczema and my kidneys were fueled by added sugars.

I knew I had stumbled on something incredibly effective and dove right in.  My body was overloaded in many areas and I was desperate for lasting result.

Here is my reasons for detoxing.

  • I knew my body must be overloaded
  • I heard about the benefits of detoxing
  • My organs were beginning to hurt for no apparent reason
  • I was tired of feeling like I could not function
  • The improvements I had after stopping my added sugar intake by using alternatives to my favorite sweets, chocolate, and beginning my green drinks after one week were evidence of HOPE.

About this same time, I had been talking with my friend in South Africa and gaining a lot of good Ayurvedic remedies and I had checked out the book 30 Day Faith Detox By Laura Harris from the library.  This all fell into place at the right time.  After eliminating added sugar from my diet, I began noticing changes to my eczema and even surprised by the disappearance of the corn on my foot that I had been quite used to as the new normal.  I started using the methods in the The 30 Day Faith Detox which included Detoxing the Liver gently, Colon and Eating Clean.

Laura Harris also recommends

Taking nightly Detox Baths

Key to detoxing

Do I really need to detox?

My thoughts on sugars

But hold fast and start today.  FOR THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING…


So slow down and be patient…  Live each day to its fullest.

One day at a time…


2 Comments on “One Day at a Time

  1. Have you tried garlic as a medication? I tried garlic to cure/eliminate the horrible and painful corn on the sole of my foot and warts on my back. Those 2 disappeared within days without any scar whatsoever. I tried many creams, plasters, ointments, tablets etc. but nothing worked. Finally I took few pieces of garlic, meshed them up and applied them on the warts. I plaster the area to make sure the garlic stays. It stings for a while but within a day, the warts dried up and then poof! They were gone. For the corns, I cut the garlic into half and rub the cut part on the corns for 1 or 2 min. Then I took the meshed garlic and applied on the corns before plastering the area. Same thing, within days they were gone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, thanks for sharing, yes, i haven’t remembered til today and reminded me when reading this. Yes at one point I did crush garlic and rub it on my hand. I will need to add this to my story. Amazing.. Thanks so much for sharing, that is absolutely amazing that you found such fast results.
      .Sorry for the late response, im finally getting the hang of these comments and getting through them now.

      God Bless,


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