Your Healing Foodie



I am a mother of six children and 140 pounds on a heavy day. I grew up eating the average American diet and seemed pretty healthy until I found myself exhausted and struggling with kidney stones, sleepless nights and unmanageable skin issues. I stumbled across the answers, definitely God inspired, that would soon unlock some keys to my healing and recovery. Eliminating added sugars, eating whole non GMO food, fermenting and gardening, homeschooling and my continued learning. Come join my journey and continue your own. Today, it has been over 2 years of being FREE FROM ECZEMA and I am working on continued gut healing and preventing new kidney stones. Living in this toxic world while living a detoxing lifestyle in order to fully live life to the fullest in Christ. Please note: I do not claim to have all the answers and base my FACTS on my own experiences and conclusions. Please take time to pray for healing and direction, research on your own, ask questions, seek out an expert and start low and slow. We are all created unique and live different lifestyles and nothing is the same for everyone. Be blessed on your journey. I owe it all to the creator of all things, glory be to God!

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