Facing Reality. Its all about the pie. Updated 12/23/18

I am here to say that this journey has been one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life.  I have been through some rough stuff. I had my first kid at 17 and raised him alone for some time.  I was using drugs and alcohol regularly at age 14.  Thankfully, God found me and Jesus died for me.

Changing my lifestyle and making drastic diet changes in a family surrounded by others who do not see eye to eye is a new level of difficulty for me. I am a sugar-holic and I live in a family who loves sugar.  I used to make amazing pies for the holidays.  I am still expected to continue my old ways.  This is one thing that I simply cannot do.  Not because I don’t love them and want to make things nice for them.  I cannot do what I have always done because I have suffered from kidney stones and eczema and I now know the truth about the dangers of sugar and I simply cannot make a sugary pie and not taste it.

I love my family and don’t want to feed them sugar and processed food.  And quite frankly, for me this means extreme physical misery and pain. Blistering and itching beyond bearable. Physical throbbing in my kidneys  and aching for days.

This has drastically changed our family dynamics and made me out to be the bad guy.  Holidays will never be the same without my pies.  This goes for my husband, kids, my extended family as well as my in laws.  I pray this isn’t the case for you along your journey to health but if so, you are not alone.

My husband made a comment the other day.  “I am heartbroken”.  He was serious and referring to our kids not being able to enjoy my pies for Thanksgiving.   I had ruined another holiday.  While this seems silly.  He was serious and lives for pie on Thanksgiving as it is ALL ABOUT THE PIE.

Sadly, its not about the health of those you love or that many go without food and shelter but about the pie.

I woke from a dream the other morning as I was in my dream trying to find a paper and pen to write down advise I was offering my niece.  Here it is.

“Reality is hard, face it.  If I don’t face reality, I must face my own stupidity.”. 

I don’t know about you, but this struck hard.  So hard I had to wake up to write it down.  I laugh at that one.  I thought it was brilliant.

Stupidity, to me, means anything that I am unaware or haven’t learned yet.  Since learning about all the detriments of sugar and poor food choices, I must daily chose to FACE REALITY…

A heavy subject but just being REAL today.

This is to my friends who are facing the same struggle of going against popular vote.

You can do the difficult.  All things are possible.

Philippians 4:12-14 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.

We have come along ways now and my husband and family support me now and pretty much accept that sugar is bad and avoid it most of the time and we don’t bring sugar and toxic food into the house.  This has been a long time in the works but it is possible and with God, all things are possible.

This is How I Survive the Holidays


2 Comments on “Facing Reality. Its all about the pie. Updated 12/23/18

  1. Hi Jill, I enjoyed reading your blog it’s very uplifting with a lot of good information. So glad I met you you already helped me so much. It’s nice to have a new friend


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